Information about the Resource
- Name(s):
Controlled Heading Identifier:
SKOS Preferred Label:
SKOS Alternative Label:
- Acontidae
- Agrotidae
- Alypiidae
- Amphigonidae
- Amphipyridae
- Anthrophilidae
- Apamidae
- Bendidae
- Boletobidae
- Bolinidae
- Bombycoidae
- Bryophilidae
- Calpidae
- Caradrinidae
- Catephidae
- Catocalidae
- Chloeophoridae
- Cosmidae
- Dyopsidae
- Eriopidae
- Eucocytiidae
- Eurhipidae
- Euschemidae
- Focillidae
- Gonopteridae
- Gortynidae
- Graptolithidae
- Hadenidae
- Haemerosidae
- Heliothidae
- Hemerosidae
- Herminidae
- Homopteridae
- Hulodidae
- Hypenidae
- Hypocalidae
- Hypogrammidae
- Hypopyridae
- Leucanidae
- Noctuid moths
- Nycteolidae
- Ommatophoridae
- Ophideridae
- Ophiusidae
- Orthosidae
- Owlet moths
- Palindidae
- Phalaenidae
- Phalaenoididae
- Phyllodidae
- Placodidae
- Platydidae
- Plusidae
- Plusiidae
- Poaphilidae
- Polydesmidae (Insects)
- Pseudodeltoidae
- Quadrifidae
- Remigidae
- Stilbidae
- Strepsimanidae
- Thermesidae
- Toxocampidae
- Trifidae
- Xylinidae
- Xylophasidae
Is In SKOS Scheme:
SKOS Broader:
Information about the Resource Source
Data Set:
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