Information about the Resource
- Name(s):
Controlled Heading Identifier:
SKOS Preferred Label:
SKOS Alternative Label:
- Bīrū
- Dēmokratia tou Perou
- Gweriniaeth Periw
- Jumhūrī-i Purū
- Jumhūrīyat Bīrū
- Lýðveldið Peru
- Pearu
- Peiriú
- Periw
- Pérou
- Peru ka Fasojamana
- Perú Kiōng-hô-kok
- Peru Respublikası
- Perua Respubliko
- Peruánská republika
- Peruko Errepublika
- Perun tasavalta
- Peruo
- Peruu
- Peruu Vabariik
- Pheroo
- Piru
- Piruw
- Piruw Suyu
- Pobblaght ny Peroo
- Purū
- Republic of Peru
- República del Perú
- Republica di u Perù
- República do Perú
- República Peruana
- Republiek van Peru
- Republik Peru
- Republika Peru
- Republikken Peru
- République du Pérou
- Rėspublika Peru
Is In SKOS Scheme:
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Information about the Resource Source
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