Nicholas, Saint, Bishop of Myra
Information about the Resource
- Name(s):
Controlled Heading Identifier:
SKOS Preferred Label:
- Nicholas, Saint, Bishop of Myra
SKOS Alternative Label:
- Mykola Chudotvoret︠s︡ʹ, Saint, Bishop of Myra
- Mykolaĭ Chudotvoret︠s︡ʹ, Saint, Bishop of Myra
- Niccolò, Saint, Bishop of Myra
- Nicholas, Saint, Bp. of Myra
- Nicola, da Bari, Saint, Bishop of Myra
- Nicola, di Myra, Saint
- Nicolà, Saint, Bishop of Myra
- Nicolás, Saint, Bishop of Myra
- Nicolaus, Saint, Bishop of Myra
- Nikola Mirlikiĭski, Saint
- Nikola, Saint, Bishop of Myra
- Nikolaĭ Chudotvoret︠s︡, Saint, Bishop of Myra
- Nikolaĭ Mirlikiĭskiĭ, Saint
- Nikolaĭ, Saint, arkhīepiskop mẏrlikīĭskīĭ
- Nikolaos, Saint, Bishop of Myra
- Nikolaus, Saint, Bishop of Myra
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