Cassian, John, approximately 360-approximately 435
Information about the Resource
- Name(s):
Controlled Heading Identifier:
SKOS Preferred Label:
- Cassian, John, approximately 360-approximately 435
SKOS Alternative Label:
- Casiano, Juan, approximately 360-approximately 435
- Cassià, Joan, approximately 360-approximately 435
- Cassian, Johannes, approximately 360-approximately 435
- Cassian, John, ca. 360-ca. 435
- Cassiano, Giovanni, approximately 360-approximately 435
- Cassianus, Joannes, approximately 360-approximately 435
- Cassianus, Joannes, ca. 370-ca. 435
- Cassianus, Johannes, approximately 360-approximately 435
- Cassien, Jean, approximately 360-approximately 435
- Johannes, Cassianus, approximately 360-approximately 435
- Johannes, Eremita, approximately 360-approximately 435
- Johannes, Massiliensis, approximately 360-approximately 435
- John, Cassian, approximately 360-approximately 435
- John Cassian, the Roman, approximately 360-approximately 435
- John, the Ascetic, approximately 360-approximately 435
- Kassian, Ioann, approximately 360-approximately 435
- Kāsyān, Yūḥannā, approximately 360-approximately 435
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