Constantine I, Emperor of Rome, -337
Information about the Resource
- Name(s):
Controlled Heading Identifier:
SKOS Preferred Label:
- Constantine I, Emperor of Rome, -337
SKOS Alternative Label:
- Constantijn, de Grote, -337
- Constantin, cel Mare, -337
- Constantin I, Emperor of Rome, -337
- Constantin, le Grand, -337
- Constantine I, Emperor of Rome, d. 337
- Constantine, Saint, -337
- Constantine, the Great, -337
- Constantino I, Emperor of Rome, -337
- Constantinus Flavius Valerius Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, -337
- Constantinus I, Emperor of Rome, -337
- Constantinus, Magnus, -337
- Costantino I, Emperor of Rome, -337
- Costantino, il Grande, -337
- Flaviĭ Valeriĭ Avreliĭ Konstantin, Emperor of Rome, -337
- Flavije Valerije Konstantin Emperor of Rome, -337
- Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus, Emperor of Rome, -337
- Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus, Emperor of Rome, -337
- Flavius Valerius Constantinus, Emperor of Rome, -337
- Konstantin, den Store, -337
- Konstantin, der Grosse, -337
- Konstantin I, Emperor of Rome, -337
- Konstantin, Veliki, -337
- Konstantin, Velikiĭ, -337
- Konstantin, Vulki, -337
- Kōnstantinos, ho Megas, -337
- Kōnstantinos I, Emperor of Rome, -337
- Konstantyn, Weliký, -337
- Kostandianos I, Emperor of Rome, -337
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